Our renewable energy comes from a variety of sources.
Electricity generators from around Great Britain provide us with Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificates to confirm all the electricity generated by them is renewable. Each year, we give these REGOs to Ofgem (the government regulator for energy suppliers) to prove our green credentials.
Vote for your energy source
Show moreThe turbines that dot the horizon in increasing numbers make the UK the sixth-biggest generator of wind power in the world.
Show lessSolar
Show moreSolar cells, also known as Photovoltaic (PV cells), convert sunlight directly into electricity.
Show lessHydro
Show moreHydroelectric power comes from dams where they release water from height, and this drives a water turbine and generator.
Show lessBiomass
Show moreBiomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals, often in the form of wood pellets, waste wood or animal manure.
Show lessThis is a collective effort
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