Pride at So Energy
Over the course of June, So Energy is embracing Pride in a number of fun and creative ways for all So Energists!
Sponsored and coordinated by the LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group we are planning a number of fun and educational activities over the month.
So Energy is already a broad and diverse organisation, but that doesn’t mean that people are done learning! We’ll be featuring a number of educational topics throughout June to provide all our employees with a deeper understanding of the history and realities of Pride. We’ll be covering key topics including:
The history of Stonewall and how, in 1969, some of the first pushback against government sponsored persecution helped launch the LGBTQIA+ rights movement
The history of the rainbow flag – where it came from, why it looks the way it does today, and how the flag has changed over the years
Information on how to be an ally to LGBTQIA+ friends, family and colleagues
We’ll start Pride month is a rainbow coloured social at our London office on June 7. This is the kick off event of our new summer series of social events for all our Energists!
On June 19 at our London office we’re hosting our first ever So Energy Drag Bingo evening. We’re thrilled to be joined for the evening by bingo host Ginger Phlappage with an accompanying DJ.
And finally, at the end of Pride month on June 26, we’ll be celebrating with a rainbow ice cream day for everyone to enjoy.
It promises to be a fun, social, and educational Pride Month for everyone at So Energy.
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